Unfortunately, file monitoring is not currently available for Linux machines since it would require a Linux-based agent, something we do not currently offer. We currently offer the following functionality for Linux servers:
SNMP Monitoring
Disk Space Monitoring
Process Monitoring (is a process running)
Basic uptime & basic system inventory
Please feel free to suggest features by clicking on the orange Feedback button on the right hand side on https://www.eventsentry.com.
1 Comment
Ingmar Koecher
over 5 years ago
Unfortunately, file monitoring is not currently available for Linux machines since it would require a Linux-based agent, something we do not currently offer. We currently offer the following functionality for Linux servers:
SNMP Monitoring
Disk Space Monitoring
Process Monitoring (is a process running)
Basic uptime & basic system inventory
Please feel free to suggest features by clicking on the orange Feedback button on the right hand side on https://www.eventsentry.com.
Ingmar Koecher
Is there any file monitoring for Linux servers?
Unfortunately, file monitoring is not currently available for Linux machines since it would require a Linux-based agent, something we do not currently offer. We currently offer the following functionality for Linux servers:
Please feel free to suggest features by clicking on the orange Feedback button on the right hand side on https://www.eventsentry.com.
Ingmar Koecher
Unfortunately, file monitoring is not currently available for Linux machines since it would require a Linux-based agent, something we do not currently offer. We currently offer the following functionality for Linux servers:
Please feel free to suggest features by clicking on the orange Feedback button on the right hand side on https://www.eventsentry.com.
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