Today I started getting this error in the Application log:
7/12/2019 7:03:21 AM
Error (Info)
FATAL: no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet
Is this something to do with EventSentry (we don't use PostgreSQL for anything other than EventSentry)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best Answer
Ingmar Koecher
over 5 years ago
This event is usually the result of a (vulnerability) scanner scanning the host where the EventSentry PostgreSQL database server is running. If you are using the EventSentry collector service and all EventSentry components (web reports, network services, heartbeat agent, ADMonitor) are installed on the same host as the EventSentry Database then I would recommend setting up a firewall rule to block external access to TCP port 5432.
1 Comment
Ingmar Koecher
over 5 years ago
This event is usually the result of a (vulnerability) scanner scanning the host where the EventSentry PostgreSQL database server is running. If you are using the EventSentry collector service and all EventSentry components (web reports, network services, heartbeat agent, ADMonitor) are installed on the same host as the EventSentry Database then I would recommend setting up a firewall rule to block external access to TCP port 5432.
Ingmar Koecher
Today I started getting this error in the Application log:
Is this something to do with EventSentry (we don't use PostgreSQL for anything other than EventSentry)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This event is usually the result of a (vulnerability) scanner scanning the host where the EventSentry PostgreSQL database server is running. If you are using the EventSentry collector service and all EventSentry components (web reports, network services, heartbeat agent, ADMonitor) are installed on the same host as the EventSentry Database then I would recommend setting up a firewall rule to block external access to TCP port 5432.
Ingmar Koecher
This event is usually the result of a (vulnerability) scanner scanning the host where the EventSentry PostgreSQL database server is running. If you are using the EventSentry collector service and all EventSentry components (web reports, network services, heartbeat agent, ADMonitor) are installed on the same host as the EventSentry Database then I would recommend setting up a firewall rule to block external access to TCP port 5432.
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