Java Runtime Environment (JRE) use for embedded devices or use of commercial features may require a license fee from Oracle after 1 January 2019.
Since we have found that the EventSentry Light need Java component when we installed it in our Windows server. We would like to know if we need to procure the license of JRE for my server or not.
Best Answer
Ingmar Koecher
over 5 years ago
EventSentry Light does not use Java or any other Oracle products.
As such, there is no license required from Oracle to use the light version of EventSentry.
1 Comment
Ingmar Koecher
over 5 years ago
EventSentry Light does not use Java or any other Oracle products.
As such, there is no license required from Oracle to use the light version of EventSentry.
Ingmar Koecher
Since we have found that the EventSentry Light need Java component when we installed it in our Windows server. We would like to know if we need to procure the license of JRE for my server or not.
EventSentry Light does not use Java or any other Oracle products.
As such, there is no license required from Oracle to use the light version of EventSentry.
Ingmar Koecher
EventSentry Light does not use Java or any other Oracle products.
As such, there is no license required from Oracle to use the light version of EventSentry.
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