I want an email notification to be sent from my Gmail account to another Gmail account. Under the Default Email tab in actions, I entered both sender's and recipient email address. Under Primary Email Server(SMTP), I entered smtp.gmail.com, Port: 465, and TLS and then username and password of my Gmail account.
But Sending a test email always returns an error "Unable to Send, Mail Server Responded: SMTP Protocol error 530 5.5.1"
Tried enabling imap and pop of both gmails and everything I could find on the internet.
I think the problem is with authentication, The username and password should be of the smtp server, and not of my gmail account is what I think, but I don't know how to find that either.
Please help.
Best Answer
Steven Flowers
over 5 years ago
In your Gmail settings have you tried to allow less secure apps? Google deems anything that isn't a mail client a "less secure app", so have you tried the following:
Turn on Allow less secure apps. If you don't see this setting, your administrator might have turned off less secure app account access.
Also, you'll need to use the username/password of your Gmail account to be able to use Gmail to send with EventSentry.
1 Comment
Steven Flowers
over 5 years ago
In your Gmail settings have you tried to allow less secure apps? Google deems anything that isn't a mail client a "less secure app", so have you tried the following:
Ingmar Koecher
I want an email notification to be sent from my Gmail account to another Gmail account. Under the Default Email tab in actions, I entered both sender's and recipient email address. Under Primary Email Server(SMTP), I entered smtp.gmail.com, Port: 465, and TLS and then username and password of my Gmail account.
But Sending a test email always returns an error "Unable to Send, Mail Server Responded: SMTP Protocol error 530 5.5.1"
Tried enabling imap and pop of both gmails and everything I could find on the internet.
I think the problem is with authentication, The username and password should be of the smtp server, and not of my gmail account is what I think, but I don't know how to find that either.
Please help.
In your Gmail settings have you tried to allow less secure apps? Google deems anything that isn't a mail client a "less secure app", so have you tried the following:
Also, you'll need to use the username/password of your Gmail account to be able to use Gmail to send with EventSentry.
Steven Flowers
In your Gmail settings have you tried to allow less secure apps? Google deems anything that isn't a mail client a "less secure app", so have you tried the following:
Also, you'll need to use the username/password of your Gmail account to be able to use Gmail to send with EventSentry.
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